Counting Out Time

Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Soprano Sax
Backing Vocals
Choir Aahs
Electric Guitar (muted]
Synth Lead
Acoustic Bass
Synth Pad
Pad 2 (warm]
Synth Pad 2


I'm coun ting out time, Got the whole thing down by num bers. All those num bers! Give me gui dance! O Lord I need that now. The day of judge ment's come, And you can bet that I've been re sting, for this te sting, Di ge sting ev ery word the ex perts say. Er og en ous zones I love you. With out you, what would a poor boy do? Found a girl I wan ted to date, Thought I'd bet ter get it straight. Went to buy a book be fore it's too late. Don't leave noth ing to fate. I stu died ev ery line, ev ery page in the book, Now, got the real thing here, gon na take a look, take a look. I'm coun ting out time, ho ping it goes like I planned it, 'cos I un der stand it. Look! I've found the hots pots, Fig ures 1 to 9. still coun ting out time, got my fin ger on the but ton, "Don't say nut tin just lie there still And I'll get you turned on just fine." Er oge nous zo nes I love you. With out you, what would a poor boy do? Touch and go with 1 to 6. Bit of trouble in zone Num ber. Se ven! Got ta re mem ber all of my tricks. There's hea ven a head in Num ber E le ven! Get ting cru cial res pon ses, dil a tion of the pu pils. "Ho ney get hip! It's time to un zip, to un zip, zip, zip-a-zip-a-zip. I'm coun ting out time, re ac tion none to hap py, Please don't slap me, I'm a red blooded male and the book said I could not fail. I'm cou nting out time, I got un ex pec ted dis tress from my mis tress, get my mo ney back from the book store right aw ay Er on ge nous zones I ques tion you With out you, what would a poor boy do? With out you, what would a poor boy do? With out you, man kind hand kinds thru' the blues.